Vasectomy as a Family Planning Tool

The vasectomy procedure is an extremely effective method of contraception, which can play a large role in family planning for adults of a variety of ages.

More on the Vasectomy Procedure

Sperm produced in the testicles needs to be able to travel through the vas deferens (tubes) to integrate with semen in order to enact fertilization. After a vasectomy procedure is completed successfully, the patient in question will no longer produce sperm in their semen, which is one of the most effective and easy methods of birth control.

Vasectomy Candidacy

The most common type of patient we see are males who either do not want any or do not desire any additional children. Truth be told, the vasectomy is a far more simpler operation than tubal ligation (a female patient getting her tubes tied).

There are a variety of reasons why a patient or a family would consider a vasectomy procedure. Sometimes it has to do with family size, mental health issues, or simply people choosing not to undergo parenting. Although we do like to get to know our patients and their goals and desires, we understand that this is a decision made privately between the patient, their partner, and their family.

In order to better prepare yourself for the vasectomy procedure, it’s a good idea to arrange transportation to and from your operation. Your doctor will also have you prep the area and avoid using deodorant or any other sort of products (like perfume products, for instance) on or around the pubic region.

After your operation, your doctor will provide continuous care to ensure the healing process goes along in the best way possible. Your doctor will also help you avoid any infection or complications that might arise -- complications that can possibly arise from any surgical procedure. The vasectomy procedure can be done in less than an hour.

For patients who might have any questions about our vasectomy procedure or our no-scalpel vasectomy procedure, we’re available to help today.

At Northern California Vasectomy we help our patients make informed decisions that help improve their lives on a daily basis. Contact our staff today if the vasectomy procedure is something you’re considering. Dr. Chirag A Patel MD PhD is among the most experienced and reputable vasectomy specialists in the Northern California area.